The Old Marians’ Scholarship Fund
This fund has been a tradition of Queen Mary’s for generations.
Not all our pupils come from privileged backgrounds and some have experienced immense hardship to achieve their goals. One such Marian was awarded £50 from this fund many years ago and he, in turn, thought it only fitting to give another pupil the same opportunity afforded to him by the generosity of a former Marian, who he never knew. He then donated £500 to the fund and so the cycle of giving continues. The grant he had received was made from “The Old Boys Scholarship Fund” which meets once a year to allocate grants to pupils who have particular difficulties in connection with going to University: grants for field trip expenses; costly books such as medical textbooks and travel overseas as part of languages and business degrees.
Although there are other funds now that provide for the school expenses of pupils in need, that do not cover the costs of partaking in the kind of extra-curricular trips and adventures that all young people should enjoy. These opportunities give pupils a broader horizon and life experience that enable them to be attractive to universities and prospective employers.
If you would like further information please contact Minaxi Patel-Gill in the alumni office.